Wednesday, August 27, 2014


530 km driving, 14 cities, 5 countries, 5 hotels, 4 planes, 1 cruise ship and countless miles of walking... WE MADE IT TO MURCIA!

I know I still need to post all the blogs and pictures from the trip but I am still getting settled in... You will see them next week do not worry. I do have to share this week’s adventure involving driving... 

First, road signs in Europe are HORRIBLE if you can even find them. Secondly, 99% of the intersections in Spain are roundabouts with crisscrossing roads and stoplights every 10 feet. Thirdly... well I do not think street lines and blinkers mean anything. 

Originally, after Murcia, my mom and brother were supposed to drive to Madrid and fly home. Because of the insane driving situation and the fact you cannot even drive here unless you know the place, have a GPS, maybe a tour guide, 2 backseat drivers and maybe a flying car. Therefore, we returned the car early and bought them a train ticket. However, to the return the car we first had to fill it up with gas, diesel to be exact, at a gas station, which had no pumping instructions and a cashier who spoke no English. Mom and I looked like idiots...Oregon girls know nothing of this gas-pumping thing... Do not worry; we think we put the right fuel in it... 

Side note - Just bought a bag of the freshest fruit for like 2 euros and I am so happy that fruits and veggies are SO cheap here.

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