Saturday, August 23, 2014

Athens, Greece - 8/13/2014

 The first stop on our cruise was to Piraeus, Greece. Piraeus is the port for Athens and is the largest in Greece because it is the main hub to the 220 inhabited Greek Isles. 

Our first stop in Athens was to the Acropolis, which is the most important ancient site in the Ancient world. The Acropolis houses many ruins such as the Amphitheater, temple of Athena and of course the Parthenon. There were a few others that you could see form the top.  
Odeon of Herodes Atticus

Mom's Favorite the Temple of Athena Nike (by the way "Nike" means Victory)

Mom and I at the Parthenon 


Temple of Olympian Zeus

 After the Acropolis we made our was around the city we saw the…..

Old Olympic Stadium

and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and Parliament building with the Guards that walk supper funny…. did not get close enough to take a picture.

We saw many different places such as Ancient Roman Baths, many churches, Hadrian’s Arch and other ancient ruins in our drive through town. We stopped at a hotel for some lunch where we were served a traditional Greek meal with a lot of food that I enjoyed but cannot pronounce or remember what it was called…

After lunch we went on a Scenic coastal drive which was BEAUTIFUL (The bright blue Mediterranean coastal water is the most amazing thing in the world in my opinion) to the Temple of Poseidon which I think was my favorite.  The temple is quite far from the Athens downtown and is up on a hill that overlooks the ocean and some suburb villages of Athens. 
Temple of Poseidon

View from the Temple of Poseidon

The whole day was long and hot but the amazing things that I have to see were worth every minute of it. I have always dreamed of going to the Acropolis and seeing all the temples and ancient ruins that I have seen on TV and been so fascinated with. I am so happy that it finally came true. On the downside…. I was not very fond of the city of Athens itself though I think it is because I am still in love with Venice…. 

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