Thursday, August 28, 2014

Kusadasi, Turkey - 8/14/2014

The second stop on our trip was to Kusadasi, Turkey that was my first time ever being in Asia. We ported in Kusadasi but were bused to a nearby ancient Roman village of Ephesus(Eff- uh – sis). Currently only 20% of the ancient village has been uncovered from the earth that has been covering it for hundreds of years.  We were able to tour the parts of the ancient city that have been uncovered such as the Largest Library in the Ancient Roman Empire and the largest roman Amphitheater that can seat 24, 000 people. 

You are able to walk down the original roman walkway ( the same one that Cleopatra once walked on when she vacationed there in a summer).

  Interestingly on that same walkway you can find the first signs of a prostitution.

Some of the other things you can see are the ancient living areas, the hospital, bathrooms, mosaics and  where they held official government like meetings. 

The next stop on our tour was to a carpet-making factory where Turkish rugs are made and sold.  We were given a lecture on how the rugs are made by the women of the nearby Turkish village. It is a lot of work taking 3-5 years for one rug to be completed depending on how intricate or if it is made of silk or cotton. The rugs were beautiful but one rug is about the cost of a terms tuition…. 

After the carpet tour we went to another village nearby called Sirince which is basically a small Turkish village up in the hills and all we really did here was taste some wine. 

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