Saturday, September 20, 2014

First day of school, First day of school!

School - We started school this past week and it was a bit interesting. Everything in Spain is overly complicated. We didn't have our schedule figured out until Wednesday and when we arrived at school nobody showed up to the one class. We did have one class which went well. But our last class,statistics, was horrible (not taking that one). Because of conflicts with scheduling and only taking classes in English, I am repeating classes I have already taken. The system here is so different, you are basically graded on a final exam at the end of the term and that is it. Most of the classes don't have midterms just lots of notes and readings. . I am not a very good test taker so I am still a bit nervous. I REALLY wish they offered a Business Information System class. I really miss my technology courses :( I miss my internship too!

About the City - Murcia is starting to feel a bit like home. I am missing home a lot and certain people I am used to seeing regularly. It's hard to keep in contact with people from home which has been a little frustrating especially with the people who don't know how to use Skype "cough" mom and dad "cough". I think they have it figured out now, I think...
 I really love the city of Murcia. It reminds me of a larger version of Corvallis because you can walk everywhere and there is a large amount of college students. Everything here is also cheap. Since it is so hot I have not been eating a whole lot but you can go and get tapas for about $3-6 and a drink. I have met a few locals but since I don't speak much Spanish at all and their accent is really weird it is really hard to communicate. Most of the people I have met are students from other countries in Europe mostly Italian and German and they are really nice. The university and the local bars have been hosting events for international students so we have attended a few. Last night there was a party at a bar that is basically the concession stands of the bull ring. We were there until 6 am so we met a lot of the locals which were the only people left put at that time.  Next weekend my roommate and I might join a group of people going on a trip organized by the university to Granada.

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