Sunday, October 12, 2014

Weekend in La Manga.

Here is an updated map of the places I have been and a couple that I have planned for the next few weeks. Where have I been?

But since I am posting I might as well share about my weekend....

In Oregon, the leaves are changing and falling from the trees, the rain is coming to stay and everyone is becoming obsessed with pumpkin spice lattes. Well, in Spain we are out laying on a beach getting tan. 
This weekend my roommate took a bus out to a nearby beach called La Manga and spent the day tanning and exploring. La Manga is located on a strip of land between the Mar Menor lagoon and the Mediterranean sea. The strip is only a few blocks wide in some areas so you can freely walk between the beaches.  Though the water was a bit cold by Spanish standards it was warm for us. The water is clear and shallow and reminds me of pictures you see of the perfect ocean. You can walk out almost 100 yards into the water and still not even be waist deep. I feel like I am on constant vacation here and I love it. I really do not remember what it is like to be stressed all the time. 
In the afternoon a friend of mine who is from Murcia came and took us to a beach nearby and to his parents beach house. The evening consisted of good food and great conversation along with some thunder, lighting and a bit of rain. This morning when I woke up I felt like I was back in Oregon staying at the beach and it made me a little homesick. If there were no Palm trees here I could have sworn I was home. 

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