Friday, October 10, 2014


I have now been living in Murcia for over a month and it is really starting to feel like home. The time is starting to fly by and I want everything to slow down. I wish that was going to be here for longer than just three months and part of me wants to stay a bit in January and take advantage of some extra time.
There are so many reasons why I love this place so much. I have made some of the most amazing friends from all over Europe. I think I have made more friends in the past month than I have in my entire life.  I even made a good friend who is from Murcia (Jose) and he has been so nice and helpful with all things Spanish related. I am so grateful for how nice people are here. I hope to continue my relationships with these people long after my experience is over
There is never a dull moment and trying to focus on school has been rather difficult with so many amazing opportunities around.  My classes are either easy or hard so I am either bored or confused. School here is so different from OSU but I am starting to like it. Still cannot believe I will be done after this term.
Traveling is extremely easy. Fiona and I try to go to a new place every weekend. This weekend we are going the beach with some friends possibly and Jose, next weekend we are going to Valencia and the weekend after that we are going to Almeria.

This trip is changing me for the better. I do not think I have ever been happier in my life and I cannot express how happy I am to have this opportunity. I am going to enjoy every minute of the next few months.
Castillo de Monteagudo

Obviously the rock from Lion King


ESN Trip to Granada

Oktoberfest in Murcia with my long lost German Sister, Natalie.

The Segrada Familia in Barcelona with Fiona and Sarah

Churros and chocolate on the side of the road at 4 am with Carla and Natalie

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