Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thanksgiving and other things...

I apologize for taking a month off from my blog. I have been rather busy the past few weeks finishing midterms and organizing myself to prepare for final exams. I am expected to be done with exams the week before Christmas, but as of now, we do not have my exam dates finalized. I am both dreading the end of the term because it means my time here is almost up but I am excited at the same time.

 Just some updates - I have changed my return flight to Portland to January 27th.  I will be traveling over Christmas break to London and Paris with my roommate. Since, I do not have to return to school in January I decided to better use my time to travel. I will be back in Murcia for new years and will be in Murcia until I return to Portland.  (AKA - I am procrastinating from finding a real life job).


Well, Last Thursday Fiona and I hosted a small thanksgiving at our house. We made a Midget Turkey (large chicken) sweet potatoes, broccoli, stuffing, wine, mimosas and ended with some tasty desserts including homemade apple crisp. We invited a few guests to join in our festivities – Natalie from Germany, Jose from Murcia, Ana from Brazil and Matt from England.   Here are some pictures J
Nope, I do not know how to carve a chicken/turkey

The whole group.

The man of the house cutting the turkey. 
Great people, great food and a great night. :)

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