Thursday, November 6, 2014

Almeria/ Cabo de Gata 10/23-26

Sunset from Cabo de Gata, Ameria, Spain.

Our most recent adventure took us to the to the south of Spain. We staying in a City called Almeria which is a smaller city that is mostly a port town. 
Almeria  has a Moorish castle, the Alcazaba. This is the second largest Muslim fortress after the Alhambra in Ganada. 

One of the ponds in the Alcazaba
Another water feature running through the fortress. 

View from the top of the fortress looking over Almeria

View from the north side of the Alcazaba at the old fortress wall.

more of the Alcazaba

And more

Chester the cat. 

He loved me

and Fiona 

The Cathedral of Almeria
These are the cats of Almeria, there were CATS EVERYWHERE.  I was just way too happy. there were big cats and tiny kittens. 

Evening walk in Almeria
Our Saturday adventure took us miles down a beach. We walked forever. The final destination was that hill in the distance. mind you, this picture was taken when we were half way there. 

Miles and miles..... well... 7.4 km to be exact. 

The church of La Salinas
Fiona did not want to walk with me on the road so she made her own path. 

we made some stops along  the way to take some awesome awkward pictures. 

we walked up a one way street up a hill in 98 degree weather. but the view made every step worth it. 
This was the view from around the corner. We wanted to go to the light house but we had come so far already and the street wasn't exactly the safest to walk along. Also, we had no idea how far away it was. 

But we still got some beautiful views from where we did go.

PORTLANDDDDDDDD!!!!!! had to stalk this guy and get a picture. Random small town in the south of Spain and here comes a Blazers fan... Okay, so Fernandez is from Spain, but still.

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